Three Ways to Accelerate Your Loan Repayment Plan – Half A Payment

Three Ways to Accelerate Your Loan Repayment PlanFeeling overwhelmed by your student loan, mortgage or auto loan? Does it feel like you'll be making payments on them for the rest of your life? If you're on a traditional loan repayment plan, you're probably facing a 10- to 15-year student loan, a 30-year mortgage or a 60-month car loan. But there's no reason why you can't pay it off earlier if you're willing to work hard and buck the status quo by following some unconventional methods for getting out of debt faster. Here are three ways in which you can accelerate your loan repayment plan:

Make a payment every two weeks.

The simplest way to eliminate your loan is to make smaller, more frequent payments. When you make bi weekly...
August 17, 2013
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Save Hundreds of Dollars By Making Bi Weekly Payments – Half A Payment

Save Hundreds of Dollars By Making Bi Weekly PaymentsIf you bought your vehicle recently, than you know just how expensive they can be, which is no wonder the average age of cars on the road are now averaging just over 11-years-old, according to an article from Forbes. The average price of a new car now sits at $30,500 says Yahoo Finance. Given the steep price, interest can add up quickly, but you can save money by sending your lender bi weekly payments.

The Six Year Plan

The average auto loan term is around 72 months, or six full years. If you bought the "average" car for a $30,500 sticker price, and took out a loan at five percent interest, then you're payments will be about $490 a month. According to an auto loan payoff...
August 13, 2013
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Top Three Benefits of Paying Off Credit Card Debt – Half A Payment

Top Three Benefits of Paying Off Credit Card DebtIt may seem like an impossible dream, but paying off credit card debt is really quite simple. But simple isn't synonymous with easy. However the benefits of paying off your credit cards make it worth giving up this years' family vacation, limiting holiday gifts or even selling off a few possessions in order to come up with the money for your bi weekly payments. If the idea of being debt free isn't enough to persuade you to tone down your spending or ramp up your entrepreneurial endeavors, here are three benefits of paying off credit card debt:

A Higher Credit Score

Part of your credit score is determined by the amount of available credit you use. If you are using more than half of...
August 9, 2013
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Own That Car Faster with Bi-Monthly Loan Payments – Half A Payment

Own That Car Faster with Bi-Monthly Loan Payments

When you take out an auto loan, you have to pay it back. However, who is to say that you have to make monthly payments? By switching your payment schedule over to a bi-monthly loan repayment plan you can stay on top of your payments and even get ahead of your billing cycle, potentially even paying down your loan faster than you would on a traditional billing plan.

It is very rare that someone this day and age can walk into an auto sales office and purchase a car or truck without taking out any sort of loan. The vast majority of people rely on financing opportunities to afford just about anything, whether it is furniture for their home or a car to help them get to...

August 5, 2013
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See the Savings with a Biweekly Mortgage Payments Calculator – Half A Payment

See the Savings with a Biweekly Mortgage Payments CalculatorYou can save a lot of money with a simple change in the way you pay your bills. Rather than waiting until the bill arrives in your mailbox and your bank account is already empty, why not mail out a check when you're paycheck arrives? Visit the Half A Payment biweekly mortgage payments calculator to find out how much you could save just from paying your mortgage biweekly rather than monthly.

Extra Mortgage Payments

When you pay your mortgage on time every month,...
August 1, 2013
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How To Pay A Mortgage Off Faster – Three Simple Tips – Half A Payment

How to Pay Off A Mortgage Faster - Three Simple TipsYou're living the American dream with a well-paying job, a partner, a couple of kids, a handful of pets, a nice car and your ideal home, complete with a hefty mortgage. While your budget can handle all the monthly payments, maybe you want to know how to pay a mortgage off faster in order to get rid of your mortgage payment before you're checking out colleges or wedding reception venues? With a bit of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, it's certainly possible save money and earn more of it so you can pay down your mortgage faster.

How To Pay A Mortgage Off Faster: Three Money Saving and Making Ideas

Make Half A Payment Every Other Week:

July 28, 2013
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Student Loan Calculator makes it Simple to Tackle Debt – Half A Payment

Student Loan Calculator makes it Simple to Tackle DebtUsing a student loan calculator can help you pay off your student loans so you can focus on making economically sound decisions throughout other aspects of your life. As years go by, a college education continues to grow more and more essential. To find a position in just about any industry a post-high school education is necessary. Unfortunately, while the expectations for a greater education have grown, the prices have not dropped. In fact, in many states tuition increases have made a college education more expensive than ever. This helps to explain why about 60 percent of college graduates rely on student loans to...
July 24, 2013
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Why a Biweekly Payment Schedule Makes Sense For You – Half A Payment

Why a Biweekly Payment Schedule Makes Sense For YouTypically, loans default to having you make one payment every month. This monthly payment schedule probably isn't best for you, though. Most people find that a biweekly payment schedule, where you make a payment every two weeks instead, works better because of perks like huge mortgage savings. Here are some reasons to consider making the switch.

1. You Get Paid Biweekly, Too

If you're getting a paycheck from work every two weeks, it makes a lot more sense to pay your loans, including your mortgage, every two weeks as well. You won't have...
July 20, 2013
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Biweekly Mortgage Payments are Your New Best Friend – Half A Payment

Biweekly Mortgage Payments are Your New Best FriendWhen you're choosing your best friends, you carefully evaluate what type of influence they are on your life, how they make you feel, and how well you get along with them. After all, you want people who will lift you up, not drag you down, and you want to have friends who you feel completely comfortable with. The same should be true of your payment plan on your mortgage. You should choose your friends wisely, and in the case of your mortgage, you'll probably find that biweekly mortgage payments will be the best friend you can find.

What Are Biweekly Mortgage Payments?

Your first task as you're scoping out a potential friend is to get to know the person. In this case, understand...
July 16, 2013
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How to Use a Biweekly Mortgage Calculator to Save Money – Half A Payment

How to Use a Biweekly Mortgage Calculator to Save MoneyFar too often, people look at their monthly payments on a mortgage and just assume that's the best amount to pay each month. However, you have the potential to save a lot of money if you take a closer look at the payment options available to you and analyze what the best option truly is. A loan payment calculator is a valuable tool for helping you make decisions because you'll get to see exactly how much you'll save on each payment plan option.

Tools a Loan Payment Calculator Offers

The most basic calculators just take information about your loan, like the amount borrowed, interest rate, and number of months in the repayment term, and tell you what your monthly payments on a...
July 12, 2013
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